Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Seven Psychopaths

This is a quirky, imaginative and insane film. With loony characters in absurd situations. The main plot of the scriptwriter and the dognapper and the psycho-dog-lover-gangster is pure awesomeness. 

This was like all the craziest guys got together, had an orgy and this was the baby born out of its sexcapade. Guy Richie, Quentin Tarantino, The Coen Brothers, got together with Judd Apatow, Seth Rogen and they got all high and Seven Psychopaths was born.

And the actors in it! Imagine Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken.

The plot - A scriptwriter's psycho friend kidnaps a gansgter's dog planning to return it later for the reward. But as is the case with all good schemes, all hell breaks loose...


Sunday, February 12, 2017


Yeah, it's a bit silly and far fetched and all about loony youngsters doing stupid dares but it's also true. 

Fact is this idiocracy is widespread and spreading like wildfire. 

Fact is in the next few decades more stupid people will be born as the people really procreating are the lesser intelligent ones while those with real high IQs are busy working day and night to get an ulcer and die a millionaire and childless. 

Fact is poor, lesser educated people have more kids than the rich, educated ones.  

Fact is people are growing stupider by the day because of smart electronic devices which do all the thinking for them. 

So suspend disbelief and go in for the ride and enjoy while you are at it. This is a thrilling film like an Amazing Race episode where good looking youngsters try to do stupid, dangerous shit.

An exciting watch, good looking youngsters, stylishly made and breathtaking pace. More importantly, the story though far fetched is new. Does remind me of Eagle Eye where someone is watching your every move. Still, this one I enjoyed.



Eagle Eye

The Autopsy Of Jane Doe

The most disgusting and one of the scariest films seen by me.

When I say disgusting I mean there are shots of a body being cut open and body parts being taken out so this one is certainly not for the squeamish or the pukish. 

I found myself looking away more times than I would care to accept.

And this is what makes the scary parts more frightening than usual because you know that there is a chopped up body somewhere nearby which is going to come alive and scare the
living daylights out of you. The performances are top-notch, the story is unique, but the climax could have been better. You kind of know what's going to happen.

Reminds me a bit of 1408 which too was a unique horror film both about people trapped in terrifying places with no way out and the mind playing frightening games. What's real and what's not, difficult to judge.

The Autopsy Of Jane Doe


Tuesday, February 7, 2017