No, the Indian here does not refer to a geeky scientist at NASA, or your friendly cab driver, or the spelling bee winner in your neighbourhood school who runs faster than any other Indian on our planet!
In fact, the Indian here refers to a motorcycle! And it's truly a moving story about the bike and it's owner, a Kiwi called Burt Munro.
Burt has been working on the Indian which is an old, old bike (not as old as Burt though). His bucket list consists of just one wish. As Burt is suffering from a heart disease he knows maybe he doesn't have too much time left, so he mortgages his house and uses all the money to travel with the Indian to Los Angeles from where he heads to Utah where he will fulfil his last and only wish. That is to take the Indian for a run on the Bonneville Salt Flats and see how fast it can go when he lets it rip on the vast opens without any traffic, or hindrance or obstacle... Where there is nothing, except for the wind in your hair, and the sand under your wheel. Where the only limit is, the power of the bike, and the courage of the biker!
Along the way, as Burt travels across US he meets people, makes friends and wins hearts.

This is Bert's and his Indian's story, about his determination to get to the event and participate in it. And the journey to the destination itself is the destination itself! Because this road movie is charming, beautiful and inspiring. Each moment of this film is a treat, visually and otherwise.
This Indian is worth a watch!
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