Sunday, November 6, 2016

Burning Bright (with full movie's you tube link)

So I shared sharks swimming in a mall in Bait, now how about getting barricaded in a home with a famished tiger who hunts you as a terrible storm rages outside?

You can't go out, and you certainly can't say in.

Burning Bright is high-concept, suspenseful, claustrophobic, one location thriller.

The plot is simple - A college student and her autistic little brother are staying at home that has been boarded up for a hurricane that's about to hit the town. They are all safe and sound, it seems, but late at night the girl wakes up to on hearing someone, or something moving around the house, she goes out of her room and is stunned to see a ravenous tiger roaming around the house as if it owns the bloody property. The tiger is looking for a meal as it has been starved for a while, and the only thing edible in the home is the girl and her young brother, yum, yum! The king of the jungle has become the king of the barricaded home and no door is strong enough to hold it back. The powerful cat can break any door, reach anywhere, sniff out anyone. What follows is a cat and mouse game, where the cat is the cat and the two humans are the mice.    

Did you see Don't Breathe? If you did and liked it then this one is for you. It doesn't have the twists and turns that Don't Breathe had but is just as suspenseful and exciting. 

A bit about the tiger, it has its thing for human flesh and is really vicious. There's mention about the animal jumping over a 16-foot high cage and eating a horse (not like, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse, but really eating a horse, yum yum).

Now you will ask me how in the hell can a tiger of such kind find it's way into a barricaded home? Well, here we have a human villain, the evil stepfather of the two siblings wants to get rid of them and so he bought and brought the tiger as he plans to open a 'Safari Show'. After the tiger has eaten the two he is planning to explain the incident to the cops saying that the storm must have broken open the cage letting the tiger loose in the house while he was out grabbing a beer in the local bar, sniff sniff. The mean tiger ate up his stepkids! Boo hoo hoo, waaah. Well, you get the drift. 

Burning Bright, the title is derived from British author William Blake's poem "The Tyger" published in 1794.

Watch it if you don't mind sitting on the edge of your seat for a bit. 

Burning Bright

The full movie link here

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