I call it inappropriate because it's exactly about what is happening today the world over and it's certainly no laughing matter. People are going nuts, and are enjoying killing others. It may be about religion, or a minor fender bender, or a big black man reaching for his wallet, or rejection in love, or being sacked from the only job one is ever going to get in life, or just feeling the power of a gun in your hands, having no direction in life... Whatever be the cause of this rage virus the symptoms are the same. People kill people and it's not a preplanned, intelligent murder but an open random, on the spur of the moment execution.
Like I said, in today's times this is totally wrong, but still a fun,
satisfying movie. And no, I'm not a psycho for liking this, you may too, give it a try. Because many times I too feel this rage, fantasizing about bashing someone over the head with a blunt instrument (in fact I too have written an entire short story about this desire to kill evil people, check it out here if you like to see a psycho's view of this brutal world - How I Murdered Myself ). If you want to read this story for free then email me at rohitgahlowt@gmail.com and I will send you a copy).
God Bless America is about a man who is terminally ill, his body is dying but his mind is already long dead. Completely frustrated he decides to do a bit of good before he dies, or do some bad depending on how you look at it.
Before dying he decides to take some people along with him to hell.
So arming himself with guns that are readily available only in America, he goes on a killing spree, not trying to hide himself at all, or wear a mask, or any such thing. He's open about it and quite fearless, and during one such execution he meets a psycho youngster who too shares his view that killing nasty people is great fun.
She joins the older, dying man and the two paint the town red, quite literally.
When I saw this I identified with the reasoning of the two lead characters and even started to feel for them even when they were doing something that was clearly horrible. The empathy factor for the bad guys was high. And the treatment here is comic so one doesn't really feel bad for all the bloodshed.
In fact seeing the nasty people die is like a fantasy which one likes seeing being fulfilled in fiction.
So watch this film, because it's not just about America but the world as a whole. It could have easily been named God Bless The World and still it would be just a relevant.
God Bless America
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