He's a 5, she's a solid 10, so how can the two be together?
Well this film is about that. The odd couple. The hot chick withe the nerdy guy. From the trailer it seems like a silly comedy without any depth, but it’s a really sweet, even romantic film except for two scenes which are over the top (one watching the film will recognize them instantly, they seem more fitting in a sex comedy rather than in this film’s scheme of things)…
(2) The odd ball characters… they seem straight out of a Judd Apatow film (also, one has seen such characters in Harold and Kumar, Sex Drive, Superbad, Eurotrip and many of the college films). The characters are frankly nuts, and I mean that in a good way.
The scenes in this flick are funny… most of them… and dialogues are good … but there are negatives too – there is a clearly defined three act structure which makes the film predictable and forces in a few clichés in the script – the jealous ex-boyfriend, the supporting friends, the falling in love, the break-up for no rhyme or reason, the going away to a different city scene, the rush to catch the plane scene, the realization that they are truly in love scene and the rush to proclaim their love to each other scene… they’re all there…
Many times in life one must have seen odd couples where one of the partners is really attractive and the other is not. We wonder, how the hell are they together? What did she sees in him? (Or vice versa).

The two things that make the film better than most others in this league are -
(1) The setting… the hero works in airport security! And it’s here that he comes across the hot girl whom everyone else wants to ‘search’ more thoroughly as she passes through the metal detector… but our hero lets her through without harassing her… and thus begins the strangest of romances between a hot ‘10’ girl and a nerdy ‘5’ guy… the airport setting makes for some interesting scenes set in and around the airport back area and runway… for instance the conveyer belt scene is really good to watch - the 4 friends discuss girls as they take rounds of the conveyor belt meant to transport baggage in the airport… (other films set in airports - Die Hard 2, Terminal, Unaccompanied Minors, Quarantine 2, Terminal)
(1) The setting… the hero works in airport security! And it’s here that he comes across the hot girl whom everyone else wants to ‘search’ more thoroughly as she passes through the metal detector… but our hero lets her through without harassing her… and thus begins the strangest of romances between a hot ‘10’ girl and a nerdy ‘5’ guy… the airport setting makes for some interesting scenes set in and around the airport back area and runway… for instance the conveyer belt scene is really good to watch - the 4 friends discuss girls as they take rounds of the conveyor belt meant to transport baggage in the airport… (other films set in airports - Die Hard 2, Terminal, Unaccompanied Minors, Quarantine 2, Terminal)
(2) The odd ball characters… they seem straight out of a Judd Apatow film (also, one has seen such characters in Harold and Kumar, Sex Drive, Superbad, Eurotrip and many of the college films). The characters are frankly nuts, and I mean that in a good way.
The scenes in this flick are funny… most of them… and dialogues are good … but there are negatives too – there is a clearly defined three act structure which makes the film predictable and forces in a few clichés in the script – the jealous ex-boyfriend, the supporting friends, the falling in love, the break-up for no rhyme or reason, the going away to a different city scene, the rush to catch the plane scene, the realization that they are truly in love scene and the rush to proclaim their love to each other scene… they’re all there…
And the biggest cliché of all is the ending which is once again in an airport! But as the main lead works in an airport this doesn’t come across as too bad a climax…
Inspite of all the above faults, somehow, the film is still really entertaining because of the quirky writing of each scene… each scene seems to be a small skit in itself with a beginning middle and end and the actors seem very comfortable with what they are doing… their acting seems effortless and they seem to be having a great time. That’s what makes this film stand out of its league of mediocre done-to-death stories…
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